Exigence Conseil

Informations sur le Exigence Conseil instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Odoo 16 Accounting
Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget, Recurring Payments, Lock Dates, Fiscal Year For Odoo 16 Community Edition, Accounting Dashboard, Financial Reports, Customer Follow up Management, Bank Statement Import, Odoo Budget
Spiffy Backend Theme
The ultimate Odoo Backend theme with the most advanced key features of all time. Get your own personalized view while working on the Backend system with a wide range of choices. Spiffy theme has 3 in 1 Theme Style, Progressive Web App, Fully Responsive for all apps, Configurable Apps Icon, App Drawer with global search, RTL & Multi-Language Support, and many other key features.
Des devis aux factures
Factures & Paiements
Gérez vos pistes et vos opportunités
Site Web
Editeur de sites web d'entreprise
clic-book model
Dynamic List View | Drag & Drop
Drag & Drop Column in List/X2many View
Gestion de bookkeeping
Twilio 16
Website clic-book
Chat, passerelle d'email et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Planifier des réunions d'employés

Localisations / Plans comptables installés

Base de la localisation LATAM
Types d'identification LATAM
Comptabilité - Canada
Plan comptable multi-lingue